Kauma Village Training Project – Malawi


Kauma Village is a slum settlement of 45,000 people in the capital city of Lilongwe, Malawi. The name Kauma means “desolate” or “dried up” place, because of the lack of resources. The people live in severe poverty and lack adequate housing, clean water, and schools. The community has also been ravaged by HIV/AIDS, leaving more than 5,000 orphans.

Capital City Baptist Church of Lilongwe, who has been ministering in Kauma, has identified another great need in the community: the lack of biblical and theological training for pastors and church leaders. To meet this need, they have invited GTN to bring "theological famine relief" to 120 pastors and church leaders from Kauma.

Your gift of $30.00 will cover the costs for one pastor or church leader to attend the 3-day training conference. Please join us in helping the churches of Kauma be effective agents of gospel transformation. With your help, this desolate place will be called by a new name: Adziwa, meaning “God sees.” Thank you!